Rob Flintom

Sr. Consultant, Director of Consulting, CEO For Rob, the road traveled has been paved with some big foot prints, with his first position as “Chief briefcase carrier and note taker” for the founder of the company.  He joined PEG in 1990 after graduating with a degree...

Jeremiah Taylor

Financial Analysis and Practice Specialist, Consultant Jeremiah has been with PEG since 2010, and has worn several different “hats” while working with our clients.  He brings expertise in financial analysis, business development, marketing, and customer service. ...

Dave Striegel

Performance and Practice Culture Specialist, Consultant In 2009, “Dr. Dave” joined PEG to add depth to the implementation and execution of best practices with our clients. Dr. Dave is not the type of Dr. you might be thinking…with a doctoral degree in Sports...